Our Classes


Pregnancy Yoga Classes

Effects of pregnancy yoga:

Pregnancy Yoga classes offer a space for the mums to be to have some time to themselves both emotionally and physically.

Classes can help you feel more prepared for Labour and Birth bringing breathing techniques and relaxation as well as yoga poses and strengthening exercises

  1. Relaxation and stress reduction for the mind and body.

  2. Preparing for Labour and Birth.

  3. Positions and Breathing techniques that will help during Labour.

  4. Pelvic floor work.

  5. Help with common pregnancy ailments. 

  6. Spend time with like-minded pregnant women.

Book in a Pregnancy Yoga Class here


Infant Massage Classes

Effects of infant massage:

Infant Massage is an ancient art that has been passed down from mother to daughter over 100’s of years in many cultures. These classes allow you to meet other new parents and gives the support needed in the first few months after giving birth. The classes are completely baby led and allows you the time and space to bond with your baby and learn how to communicate in a loving way. Each week you will learn new massage techniques to do with your baby leading up to the full body massage routine in the last week. After each class there are refreshments and time for you to chat with other new parents.

  1. Enhances parents ability to understand their baby’s needs.

  2. Can help babies sleep better.

  3. Body awareness.

  4. Aids digestion and can help relieve wind, colic and constipation.

  5. One to one time with your baby.

    Book in an Infant Massage class here


Baby Yoga Classes

Effects of baby yoga:

Baby Yoga is a fun class to spend time with your baby, the class is mostly about yoga for the baby but we also practice some mums yoga too. Classes are full of movement and songs to help you learn how to engage with your baby in an enjoyable way while exercising. Babies learn to interact with other babies in the class and there is also refreshments after for the parents to chat and discuss any parent concerns. Classes are suitable for babies aged between 3 months and 18 months.

  1. Multisensory stimulation for babies.

  2. Improves babies body systems.

  3. Bonding time for Parents and Babies.

  4. Gentle stretches for Parents. 

    Classes are ongoing every Friday at 11:30am

    Book in a Baby Yoga class here


Toddler Yoga Classes

Effects of toddler yoga:

Toddler Yoga offers a structured base for parents to exercise and have fun with their children, promoting strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation to contrast with energetic activity. It enhances physical wellbeing and stimulated language, listening and development skills, but also nourishes the spirt and strengthens family bonds. During the transition to independent movement when toddler’s physical contact with their parents is often diminished, toddler yoga supports loving and playful contact and provides shared experiences to carry young families through what can be a challenging time as they tackle tantrums and boundary testing.

  1. Enhances physical wellbeing.

  2. Simulate language.

  3. listening and development skills.

  4. Nourishes the spirt and strengthens family bonds.

  5. Parents are re-connected with their own inner child, their creativity and intuition.

    Classes ongoing every Friday at 10am

    Book in a Toddler Yoga Class Here


Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies

Effects of wellbeing for Mothers and Babies:

Well-being for Mothers & Babies is a great class for Mothers to connect with their babies. Learn different massage and yoga techniques to do with your baby. New topics will also be discussed each week including sleep, technology and well-being. This is a great way for Mother's to talk to each other, get advice and socialise. Enhances physical wellbeing.

Book in a Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies class here